
No kidding. No costume needed!


Hows about... the Kindle ING.

I can just see some gleaming white toothed blonde woman handing this to a malnourished African kid.

As opposed to how your bias is usually shrouded beyond observation? =P

Those are the people I want to see spared from the disastrous effects of canon fire, the grave robbers.

Wouldn't it be sweet if they met up?

But I also don't think they're going to deliver the build quality as their main tablet line.

Ohhh! Now I wanna watch Core!

I'd wager a guy that brave would probably have little regard for discreet observations. =P

My neck gets tired at the beach from looking down for sea shells. This is where I employ it in my life.

This post just made me sad.

I'm an advocate of responsible gun ownership and use, but this is very disturbing news... thank goodness it didn't end up at the doors of the James Holmes or Jared Laughners of the world.

I always thought they'd have more pixels...

I assume it would make for a boner that was so uncomfortable that it would go away.

Well said. Well. Said.


Last time they were that color they lopped them off.


You're welcome to read through all the bashing I received from that discussion, but what I walked away from it with wasn't anything regarding work ethics, or reward based child rearing or anything related. It's that I respected my parents, and they instilled in me what respect is, honor, the value of one's word, and