I wouldn't encourage anyone to have a baby using the line" you'll get to buy that $900 stroller" as an incentive.
I wouldn't encourage anyone to have a baby using the line" you'll get to buy that $900 stroller" as an incentive.
A white elephant gift.
A white elephant gift.
A white elephant gift.
Well you only had a third grade education...
Here ya go, for the future and stuff:
Here ya go, for the future and stuff:
It's not cheating, if you spread peanut butter on your testicles and have your dog lick it off.
So how did the first mars rover land and why was it so much less news than the Curiosity?
I do miss me some Austin... =P
I have my spiritualism and faith, but I will readily accept a humorous quip from atheist friends about my beliefs. Some friends of mine threw a fictional character party and one guy came dressed up as Jesus. And you know what? That's hilarious, Christian or no. I suppose that's not as common a sentiment as I'd like it…
Go watch Scent of a Woman with Al Pacino. Fantastic movie.
Or getting Jaguar wheels.
One approached me the other day at a convenient store with a pamphlet asking me if to check out their website and the book of Mormon. I told him I had been in Manhattan the prior month and seen the Broadway show. He did not take that well.
Hahaha! No doubt =P
That's a terrific point. As stationary an object as this is, I'm wondering how difficult it would really be for a sniper to put a few .5o cal holes in this thing.
Fallout 4, Q4 2013. Insider info. As in an insider gave me that info.
Should appeal well to the little person market.
So I should need to purchase this for my father in law then?
Why is it of tabloid resolution? Seriously.