Just go password protect your wifi, and hide the controllers to your children's 360, instead of skirting the topic by continually throwing out the cliche 'when you have kids you will understand' rhetoric.
You are obviously lazy parents.
BWAHAHAHAHAHAAAA! Coffee covered keyboard!
I buy thoughts.
So... we went to the moon, and all that we were willing to cough up for our flag markers on another celestial body was $33? Seriously, could we not drop a few hundred and have some more resilient ones made?
That's definitely the most rational counter response I've received yet. I can't remember a time when I didn't wash dishes or rake, or sweep the leaves off the deck. It was instilled early and perhaps it's ease came from it being so habitual from such a young age. However, it wasn't so much a reward system in my…
Ha! Thanks for the early morning laugh as well as the like minded words and observations. Along the note of behavioral issues, sure, I might have went out and pulled a few shenanigans when I was a kid that might have ended me in a bit of trouble. But you know what I did before that?
Well said.
I was not discussing 'my children', I was discussing me in my upbringing. Why do people keep saying this to me.
I also had rewards for doing my chores, however those rewards did not need to be kept under lock and key before I knew what I needed to do as per responsibilities given to me by my parents.
Indeed. It's simply sounding to me like that type of child has been allowed to get away with shunning responsibility to the point that the parents are now bartering with the kids to get them to exercise responsibility.
So I'm a robot because my parents raised me with a sense of earnest desire to take care of domestic duties? I simply think children today are raised to expect instant gratification as an absolute given, when in reality its premature reward.
Seriously, I didn't intend to spark so much debate. Hit a nerve in a few folks I suppose.
Ewwww, kitteh's tail in a fan blade...
Or you can take the time early to raise your kids to be responsible enough to do these things when asked and not have to bait them into it.
What, her hair style?
He is definitely mayor of uber ignorantville here.
*barfs in mouth*
Can't wait till Apple comes out with that blender, and Gucci starts making cell phones.