
Wow that is some God awful animation.

Nuh uh!

I like my watches like I like my evidence....

Yes, you f'in moron, we need more people to stand up in this dark, smoke filled theatre and begin popping off rounds aimed at, oh wait, THE OTHER CIVILIAN THAT STOOD UP AND STARTED POPPING OFF RETURN ROUNDS.

Can I get a swift kick to the vagina as an incentive?


I totally took the "beater" in the headline under the wrong context.

Hopefully by then the price of a new keyboard has dropped as well and you can afford a new one that doesn't have a mentally challenged caps lock key.

That sunshine track always get me.


Damnit, this thing will never give me all the TP that I want.

I needed that mid afternoon lol =)

People toss them on sidewalks, out windows, heavy drain off from persistent rain run them and other trash down into the sewer system. As it does with everything else, dirt, fluid from vehicles on the roads, ect. So, just imagine whats going on below the streets of NYC...

Wait, whats a booty call?

I wonder how many turds are in orbit...

Well stated, and not many people could have put it better or hit it more on the head. However, even with the unbalanced distribution of wealth that so perfectly characterizes this nation, there are those well within the financial means to implement these technologies within their residences, but don't. The source of

Seriously, he could have up the irradiance samples a tad.

I think few who advocate green energy will argue that its comparably priced to traditional energy. It's the GREEN part we're trying to initiate here.

Incorrect use of the phrase "begs the question".

And yet they can't pony up the bucks for a decent video.