That woman's brilliance is truly inconcealable.
Not really. I'll agree the cost of the PC is up there with a high end Apple laptop, however the functionality and form factor that I can achieve with this setup, after the cost of the PC is removed, which I had well before, is far superior to the offerings of these devices for the tasks that I require them to perform.…
So extrapolated using lego pricing logic, this should run you just over $500.
This chic is incredibly ingenuitive.
Judging from the angle and the depth of penetration, I'd say this was a spear gun misfire.
Brought to mind...
Meh, my Asus Transformer with it's mating keyboard, and running pocket cloud remote desktop to my 16 core at home still beats all these.
Ha! I know, and it does, just with the framing and all, it looks very convincingly printed on like a surface decal.
Hmmmm. True true. I'd say this is the only scenario in which the phrase "it is what it is" could be said, and I wouldn't want to slap the shit out of the person.
It's actually a very weird word hearing it in such succession.
I'm not really keen on the surface art, a ceiling fan? What's that all about...
I have a big problem with what happens at :35. Why the camera cut? That robs a RG machine so much of it's intrigue and awesomeness, and it doesn't even seem like it was really necessary.
How much are the replacement bags though? That's where they get ya!
In their defense, that one guy was wearing the batman helmet.
I for one think it is ugly, and I won't be buying it.
Yea, their caning policy is one bad ass deterrent.
It's not too bad unless you find some dairy in there that's been caking for a few hours.
No one does it INTENTIONALLY. =) But yes, it's pretty awful.