
Mat shot - All the fluid build up in the bar mats are poured into a shot glass. Usually ordered at the losing end of a bet.

Ha! That's right! I'm actually playing through it again now, they are taking their time with 4.

$170? I paid $6 for this at Target, and after seeing that price I realized this little guy works just dandy.

It ain't easy being white....

God I love those theoretical Ong Bak movies. Also I mocked up some DVD art for you guys.

Do you know what's showing their lack of age, much his jeans? You are sir.

I actually just carry my evo 4g in my armpit. I just now realized its a little gross.

Seriously, 90% of people who wear skinny jeans ARE emo.

Science be praised!

I'm sure Ray would agree.

That 3d artist dinged the hell outta that device.

That describes my site dedication to the T.

I can see a whole mess of truth in that... damn shame nonetheless. I am a 'here for the articles 20%'er, and here for the comments 80%'er'.

Wow, I just hopped over tho Gawker.... that's disgusting.

No shit. This is one of the better gadget reviews, as far as showmanship and enthusiasm, I believe I've ever seen.

My dear lord I laughed my ass off.

Yea, upon youtubing I found these aren't uncommon in every city around the world.

Now playing

Houston has a few of these that roll around downtown. This is much more enjoyable, especially if you're a somewhat active person.

Finally, a politically engaged and opinionated comic series!

I have to admit, as a non Apple fan, the company as a whole lost a great deal of it's charm and mystic when he passed.