
You've heard entirely wrong, because it doesn't Whedon, Kevin Feige (Marvel Studios President), and Clark Gregg have all said that this is post-Avengers, and that Coulson did in fact die and is alive again.

I loved the original and found it fairly easy. Except for the last battle. For whatever reason, I just wasn't pulling it off. Oh, well. Excited for this!

It wasn't a cure, but all of that helped. He had become so dependent on the armor. He could easily have removed the RT unit in his chest, but he kept it for so long. Removing that and the previous armors from his life allowed him to clear his slate and clear his head, and realize that the 35 armors that he created

One of my only complaints about the film:

You know what, I didn't think about that until now. If anything, I feel like they just connected themselves to the Ten Rings, and I don't think it's anything deeper than that with Stane or anything.

The battle for New York made him anxious. He explained it really clearly early on in the film. Encountering Loki and Thor (Gods), an alien race that was more powerful than they were, and warmholes to other dimensions/parts of the universe were things he had trouble comprehending, and more importantly, things he felt

The Captain America shield tattoo is actually the shield, but with a different logo instead of the star. Kevin Feige (Marvel Studios president) said it's an anarchistic thing.

They directly address the issue. JARVIS mentions that the wine cellar (the army of suits is addressed as "Project Wine Cellar" in the prequel comics) is too covered with rubble and the cranes have arrived to start digging it out.

Of course they've read the books. Hell, Marvel Studios is so heavily influenced by the comics. Their braintrust consists of some of their biggest writers, and with Joss Whedon the creative consultant and co-overseer of Phase 2 of the MCU, you can bet your ass they're aware of what the comics have done. Basically,

That's the Mark II from the first film.

Well it's not out in America until tonight at 9 pm, so no one knows. And they did this because they co-produced this film with China, so the Chinese invested a great bit of money into it, so they gave them something in turn.

That's not anything new, though, and it's different. At least at a theme park, without that bracelet, you can still go on every ride. He was saying you couldn't get on any of them.

For those of us who don't plan on buying Blood Dragon, thank you for posting this, Patricia. That was fun to see. But it was kinda sad watching them curl up and then get killed.

And for those of us who probably aren't going to play Blood Dragon but are interested in it, I'm extremely glad this was posted.

It's just a tiny easter egg from a side mission. It's not like it's the end of the story.

Oh, please. Like those are even close to comparable. This isn't even an important story mission in the game. It's a random side quest. It's really not that big of a deal, and for those of us who aren't going to be buying Blooddragon, it's a neat thing to see.

Really? Because Black Ops II looked really damn great on the Wii U, and the framerate was good enough that even I took notice of it, and I never pay attention to framerate.

Well what were they expecting? Everyone already bought it when for the PS3s and 360s they already owned, and a week or two before that, too.

Well considering it came out today on the PSN (the 30th), I'd say that's not something you need to be worrying about anymore.

Not having voice acting limited the games immensely. It worked for something like Star Wars or Harry Potter where you already know the story. It doesn't need to be told to you again, and those games didn't really tell the stories well at all. Having voice acting greatly opened them up. It allowed them to do more