
"This should have simply been Infinity 2.0, which happens to have Marvel content."

they very clearly state that this is not a separate game. The starter pack is just Marvel based. They mention everything from the first game will work in 2.0. Today was jut about Marvel. E3 will show more characters. You can already see new additions Malificent, Merida, and Stitch in the trailer.

It was, at the exact same time it was announced to come for the PS4.

Cameras are being sold at GameStops and other retailers currently. Saw one at GameStop yesterday when I bought my DS4. They're pretty small. I thought they'd be the size of a current-gen Kinect, but they're a LOT smaller. Super thin. Closer in size to a Wii sensor bar.

A lot of retailers in NA are selling them now, too. I bought a DS4 at my local GameStop yesterday and people have said that Wal-Marts have started to put out their accessories next to their new PS4 demo kiosks.

I think Gamefreak said something to the effects of "3D overworld was hard and we couldn't figure it out, but here's a 3D battle," while the new LoZ for the 3DS runs 3D at a whole 60 FPS. After hearing that, I couldn't possibly imagine any excuse for not being able to handle it besides just not caring, which is a shame.

6" Cartman figurei n Wizard garb?

Uh, Imagineering is a trademarked Disney term that they came up with over half a century ago.

I like Orlando's environments more since they have more space to do the event, but I think Hollywood does have the advantage of being in Hollywood and getting industry folks to work on their stuff. I'd love to go to Orlando for HHN sometime. However, I'm super psyched for Hollywood this year. Due to a lot of

Well it's not like they can talk about a show's episodes and references without some episodes being out now, can they?

Between this and Wind Waker HD, my wallet and my Wii U are going to be very busy this week, and that's with me holding off on GTA V. I don't even know if I'll end up picking up either of these since I'm still pretty into Disney Infinity. Must... Create... More...

I heard the Orlando Silent Hill and WD weren't much to write home about, but here in Hollywood, Walking Dead and Silent Hill killed. Silent Hill wasn't the scariest last year, but it was my favorite with the effects and the lighting and the actors, and Walking Dead was amazing here in Hollywood. Probably the scariest

Disney distributes DreamWorks films.

Well PS+ is mandatory for online multiplayer for the PS4, so it's less of you paying for that feature, and now more of a perk that comes with the fee you're paying for multiplayer.

Yeah. Did you not read the article?

There are plenty of games that utilize the touch screen for tasks that can't be done with standard controls, like Uncharted and Gravity Rush, arguably the two biggest games for the handheld, so those won't be playable with the Vita TV.

Oh, is that true? Huh, had no idea. Tell me, what study did you get that interesting statistic from? Because I sure as hell play most of my portable games somewhere where it's convenient to have them be portable, and not at home. I have my consoles for that.

This was made by the game's developers, and it's much less of a mess when you actually get a chance to explore the Toy Columbia instead of only getting small glimpses of it.

This is a free download from the devs to play in.

This WAS created by the developers. So far, Disney has not yet started reviewing and approving user submitted levels. That'll start happening later in the month. So far, all uploaded levels are from the devs.