

Considering the heroism he showed at the end, and the other changes to his biology, I'd be very surprised if his role was reduced to simply being Steven's hair-tunnel oh my god why did I say that.

Adz, friend, I'd like to emphatically suggest that you shhhhhhh about this. Simply time to shh.


One of the biggest reasons I hope for more Mystery Girl interaction is because of the potential for Pearl to get wooed by a cute-as-hell woman who's into guitar-heavy alt-rock. The songs from "Last One out of Beach City" really helped make that episode resonate with me. Pearl's so musical, and their inevitable

The pre-credits ending, and the credits themselves (along with that simply awful song that played over them) bummed me out so much. But post-credits, the whole game feels like it managed a big shot of redemption in how it reframed everything. Sure, all a dream, a bit hokey in that context, but it honestly gave me a

I feel like there's gonna be some part of the fandom which will find new stuff to scrutinize and obsess over at every point. And since we live in a time where accessibility to the creators is at a high, and the mystery of what may happen and who makes it happen is less of a gulf, and more channels open up between the

No no…wait…I want to see where he's going with this.

High five, dude.

Also: making sweet love to me occasionally in my dreams.

The thing about Paparadscha's jokes is I could see them all coming ten seconds after she said them.

God, the opening paragraphs are grammatical train-wrecks too, and obvious attempts to fold in lots of academic-sounding terminology. Maybe this person doesn't write in English as their first language (since they wrote "Steven Université" for some reason, but that could be some cheeky dig at the show too). What on

There's plenty of Venn-overlap between both those things and the SU fandom, though.

Yep, not my fave character in her first appearance, by a long stretch, but definitely had that perfect one-line delivery of "this is how I/we love, and that's just how it is," that the Crewniverse has always been able to deliver without breaking a sweat.

Nnnnno, it would be very nice of the show to finally get back to developing the Pearl/Mystery Girl relationship. Dammit.

R.I.P., Zircon, Attorney at Law.

Maybe this will be a wake-up call to Tim, though. He still has done so much that he needs to make up for. Thinking about how much of cinema's heritage we lost in the Victorville Film Archives fire still makes me weep.

It really is. I just tried to find the TV commercial online, but failed, which is too bad. I distinctly remember the beginning of it, where two kids and two army-outfitted adults were "playing" with the action figures in question and the 4077th playset base. If I recall correctly, the dialogue went something like this:

Oh goodness, that's both sweet and embarrassing!

Jesus' Son is a movie that got under my skin and sticks with me to this day. I don't know whether it's a good adaptation of the source or not, having never read the book, but I really love the film.