
That's the waaaaaay….the news goes.

Periodically, yes.

And not for nothing, but those chairs aren't the most appetizing seats on the market.

This whole sub-thread is a beautiful melange of letters and terminology that swims far above my head like a super-sargasso sea of meaningless poetical songstuff.

Wrestling was never my thing, and I'm a huge wimp about this stuff, okay. And yes, it's all silly to bemoan the overhyped tropes it uses to emphasize macho-ness and womanliness and…everything. But am I super lame for still being disturbed that there was a bit in this where the male wrestler smacked the female wrestler

My Black Lotus Triad is near-mint condition Beta. Black-bordered and everything.

Dyslexia are real people. It's the plural form of "dyslexius."

Meets meets meh. Minus the meets meets.

Too many cooks, indeed.

Kissable? I think you meant missable, but I hope you didn't…

Don't be so sure they're unnecessary. Inasmuch as any conversation is unnecessary. The game doesn't play at any pretension that your choices have grand effects on the storyline's path or outcome, but it does allow you to have a much broader experience with various characters and with the understanding of the town as a

Yeah, you've got a lot of enjoyable, interpersonal stuff to encounter before the game gets to its serious pivot point. I hope you take the opportunity to try out as much as the game offers in the meantime. Just look everywhere.

My guess is you had to pause six times to calm your giggling while typing that comment.

I'm curious about how far you are into Night in the Woods. Not enough people seem to have played or want to discuss this game here, and it's frustrating because so many other games get a lot of really nuanced discussion around these parts. This is a game just begging to be turned over and examined carefully.

You are a good aunt/uncle/whatever.

Slow in locomotion, perhaps, but their/her handling of their/her weapon/s are pretty impressive. It took some serious choreography from Steven and Connie to fend off the Topazes both fused and unfused, and who knows how much training and unspoken instinct those two share now.

Out of solidarity to you, as a token of my devotion to the community this commentary section has fostered, I will also refrain from watching the episodes until after you've returned from the nah, just kidding, I'm watching them as soon as humanly possible.

As nice a response as that may be, it also allows you to avoid discussing my comment about your demeanor here. So…maybe think about that too.

"What's a good party game and a percussion instrument?"

I see.