
Pssh. Futurama rocks hard and complete.

Okay, seriously folks. Despite the cute little writing exercise I pounded out for yesterday's part one, the "game" of the year this year was actually a three-pronged attack: The Witness, Inside, and Stephen's Sausage Roll. Or to fit it all under a header, the Game of the Year was bewilderment as the ultimate gateway

Man, I don't care how much twee this or any other Wes Anderson project accrues, I simply can't get upset at what this man does. Everything he's made has hit me right in my comfort zone, and has delighted me to some degree or another, even if it's been less successful than his top-tier work.

I liked Tic-Tac-Toe because it gave me a sense that entropy isn't as depressing as it seems. Sure, for a hand-held pencil-and-paper game that's been around for the better part of human history, it's hard to see why anyone would need the Steam release version of this old time-waster, much less what new revelations

Gunnerkrigg Court is one of the most compelling and engaging comics out there right now, web- or otherwise. It absolutely needs that "the art gets better" warning at the outset.

Teti's locked himself in his office watching this on a loop. He's demanded Powerade and no interruptions. It's been two hours now.

School of hard knockers.

Both "Slapping St. Peter" and "Zsa Zsa" sound like sexual euphemisms.

Now you won't have to.

…are you, though?

You're thinking of her sister.

Ta ta, Zsa Zsa.

In the beginning it was effective, but he went back to the well once too often.

I like the Green Bay vs. Chicago final score prediction, Teti. Because your ongoing weekly Safety Dance predictions just aren't theoretical enough.

Tracy Letts sleep with the fishes.

I'm of the YouTube generation, so I naturally enjoy watching Letts' plays.

If you think about it, How I Met Your Mother is really just a reinterpretation of Waiting for Godot.

And such small portions too?

Or maybe they're tilted to emphasize speed. Like a car model logo.

"Fatal cradle" has a nice rhyme and flow to it at least.