
You've seen Rebecca Sugar's comic about the Simpsons-quoting brothers by now, right?

If it sways anyone, today is also "Giving Tuesday," an annual day of charitable donation created five years ago by the Belfer Center for Innovation & Social Impact. Personally, I donated to the Sacred Stone Legal Defense Fund for those protesting the Dakota Access pipeline. But I also give at the holidays, and it's

What's more interesting is that every movie is an accurate (if limited) document of the events that occur when a film crew comes together at various times and in various places to record human beings and scenery from a specific angle, and post-production professionals and editors then rearrange and reincorporate the

You, all right? I learned it by watching you.

The robots have already replaced those cyanide capsules with Pez.

Guro Job, Internet!

Mental Floss still publishes a physical edition, doesn't it?

Short people, have you seen them? Their legs are little baby legs. And their cars, unimpressive little cars. We have the best cars here, the best. No question. Ask anyone. You know it, I know it. Little cars. Beep beep. Sad.

Can't argue with that.

You cook the quesadilla by wrapping it around your family.

Was this repudiation of the Foreman grill also collecting dust in a thrift-shop graveyard?

I'm old but I don't yet creak.

I'll put All in the Family in the same tier, absolutely. Taxi…felt a little too farcical, really, and relying on the stereotype of Latke-the-clueless-foreigner (despite how hilarious he was and where they went with him vis-a-vis his DID in later seasons) kind of pushed it away from what Barney Miller worked with,

Yes, absolutely. That stage play element, probably more than any sit-com of its time, stood out and worked in its favor. It really felt like a weekly stage presentation rather than a weekly film short.

Half of the people reading AV Club never were in the AV club either, and…wait, where was I going with this?

Goddamn. I am old enough to have loved him in syndication on Barney Miller, and of course he was just lovely on Firefly. Rest in Peace.

It allows for some light to be shone on what seems like iffy counts and election processes in pretty tight races, which is a sort of end-run method of looking at the mechanics of voting and how/if it's getting gamed. No, it won't really affect any of the current outcomes, but it will effectively audit results, which

Okay, you're NBC.

And he has enough people around him telling him they're isolated incidents the media amplifies or that are made up whole cloth by agitators.

I'm happy to say all my family are of the same mind politically: far left and reluctantly With Her, but wishing a more reasonable candidate were available.