
Park Ridge, Park Ridge, splendid!

Far right.

How dare you call Mike Ehrmantraut "nerdy"?!

That's the thing, though: T&E don't try to show themselves as better than cable-access, they're embracing cable access and amplifying it as a common visual language in order to deliver absurdity. In the same way that Eric Andre does with the talk-show medium.

The thing about it is you might find yourself nodding off while you watch. Sometimes it's difficult to WAKE UP from those cozy, sofa-and-television naps. It can get so deep it makes you feel like YOU ARE IN A COMA even though you're still sitting upright. Just watching some weird Adult Swim show even though YOUR

Just checked the podcast's webpage, and according to the credits, Jeff Mangum is already listed as having provided "Additional Creative Contributions." I choose to see that as a solid confirmation of a new NMH album in the works.

Did nobody in editing notice how obvious that cover-y deal over the bottle opening was?

You do an amazing impression of my girlfriend.

"The problem with hiring women to create shows is that they'll get halfway into the development period, wind up married and pregnant, and just quit to raise their kids."

Which explains why my girlfriend laughs at me when I have an orgasm.

Marceline and Simon/Ice King from Adventure Time has all kinds of fantastic reverberations throughout its different stages. At first, Simon takes it upon himself to care for a lone youngster in a post-apocalyptic setting, ultimately pushing her away from him as his mind slips away. Then when years have passed,

Contrarily, the first two singles had me excited for this album. I enjoyed Bon Iver's first two releases, but not overmuch. This stuff had more daring, more character, even if it risked having less direct connection to the heart. But I must have spoiled myself a bit by relistening to the first singles over and over,

If I don't hear "Cowbell" once every few weeks, I get very grumpy.

I want my MTVD

Peanut butthurt and jelly will never go out of style.

Not you and don't worry about it.

Yeah, I don't know who that is.

I haven't followed his career closely, but I was impressed with his work as Easy Reader.

I was about to say Phillip Seymour Hoffman, but then I realized nothing could convince me to watch Patch Adams.

"Whenever there's trouble/we're there on the double" now has a whole new meaning for me.