
I love how that "steppin' in" dialogue was delivered.

Jumping in quick here before reading the review to say that I was able to watch Michaela Dietz' Periscope of the Steven Universe panel. Or at least half of it. It was a fantastic thing to behold. Each actor was brought out one at a time to answer a question or two, and then they launched into a song with a live band

You can't solve every problem with anal sex, Gentle. Sometimes you just have to accept that you'll need to go down on a person.

The last time they teased a whole season with an animatic, it was the Roy: A Life Well Lived scene at Blips and Chits. I watched it and thought, "wow, this is season one-tier quality R&M here. They can't possibly sustain this through a second season though."

He doesn't wash his hands after visiting the bathroom.

This show was well on its way to finding a permanent spot in my heart for one of the finest pop culture experiences I've witnessed. When "Alone Together" hit, all other metrics went out the window because of what that story accomplished, with so little seeming effort or cultural wariness. Putting aside the fact that

I think an in-depth viewing of both will provide a nice balance of what went on back then.

Yeah, honestly…for all the stuff this show does to challenge the expectations and norms of what would happen in a kids' cartoon show, it seems to me like they're never going to get a hard NO from CN's S&P folks. Not so much because CN is that hip and edgy and looking to kick down barriers. Rather, it's because Sucrose

I wonder if this means she's destined to be involved in some big battle somewhere down the line for the fate of Beach City. Lady's got some chops, and she's pretty chill when it comes to finding out about Steven's powers and protect-the-world duties with the Gems.

Wait a minute…

And trip the sticky parts.

Huh. I'll do a re-watch of this episode with all that in mind and see how it affects my reaction. Thanks for explaining.

I see what you're saying. I'd be interested to hear how you feel it changed the episode for you.

I got no problem with that. Love of media can be incredibly personal, for good and helpful reasons.

I'm sure there are trans folks out there who look and act like Lars, just as there are trans folks out there who look and act like any other character from SU (except perhaps Onion). I'm not saying Lars is impossible to see as trans. I'm saying I don't know what criteria Tumblr's echoplex uses to determine which

I sure could go for a nettle fix.

There was a lot that was cute in this episode, but it left me feeling mostly…eh. Since SU is a superlative show, even the smaller or less successful episodes are going to have wonderful elements about them: the acting, the genuinely surprising dialogue, a plot deviation or expansion one wouldn't normally get from

Sometimes I think Tumblr gets together with a big wheel that has all the characters' names on it and gives it a spin….

Sometimes life surprises us.