
That can't be true, because "Pogo Opossum" makes zero sense.

When I lived at my old house, there was a fence in the backyard that squirrels and the like would run along. One night, my gf and I walked from the garage to the back door, and there was a very frightened, very young looking possum crouched on the wall. We had not ever seen evidence of a possum before in our

Hey, being an oenophile is tough. Those bottlenecks are narrower than they appear.

Shouldn't they have paired them with Nik-L-Nips?

May I propose an alternate title: What the Christ?!

I thought this was the kid who later recanted his claims of visiting heaven, but it turns out that was someone else…someone named, fantastically, Alex Malarkey.

It's been a while since God tested our faith by planting false evidence of evolution in the fossil record. We were due.

One day my charity will get off the ground, I promise.

You may have been, but that octopus wasn't.

Oh man, your user name pun makes me happy.

The Pats hate? It was there before either team was elite. Seriously, I was raised a Giants fan by my mother way back in the seventies. Because of the ongoing NYC/Boston rivalry, it's just how it is. (Most of my instilled hatred goes to the Cowboys, Eagles, and Jets, of course, but the Pats are there too. Sorry.)

The Bortles was inside us all along!!

What I hate about the Patriots this year (among other things) is that they're gonna still be undefeated in two weeks, and then we'll have a whole goddamn lead-in of hype about how the Giants have always been the Pats' achilles heel, and oh my gosh wouldn't it be the living end if they are the ones to hand the Patriots

On the odd occasion that my father was instructed to prepare dinner for my brother and me (back in the mid-70s, before both more widely embraced role-sharing in middle class families AND the urbane metro male movement that viewed kitchen skills as an attractive trait), he would often prepare a specific baked meat dish

*fans self with used paper plate, eagerly waits for next week's episode teaser*

Don't keep me in suspense, man, what are you eating for lunch these days?!

If it ever did, I hope you would've posed over the bodies with your bloody knife and quipped "I hate Mondays!"

I owned one of those. When I was a kid. And had no reason to use a phone.

Heh heh…."widespread"….

How did this thread become Settlers of Catan?