
Unless you're a rat.

Even vodka is too impure, if you ask me. Either he's going to need to transition to everclear, rubbing alcohol, or straight embalming fluid to achieve eternal status.

What does Los Angeles have to do with Bowie's impending doom?

Wow…icon/username/comment/responded-to commenter name synergy! The rare quadrofecta!!

That diner scene in Mulholland Drive brought me to tears the first time I saw it. Terrified tears, first because the dialogue is one of the most perfect expressions of how a dream's slight illogical details can be the most disturbingly scary things about it….and then because of how the whole tone of the scene

I had pretty much the same response to Mulholland Drive as you, Phoney, and I saw it way after its initial theatrical run at (of all places) one of those cinema cafes where you get table service, a burger, and a beer while you watch the flick. I liked being able to eat while seeing a big-screen movie, but the activity

I can't really tolerate anime at all, but FLCL struck me deeply and immediately when I stumbled upon an episode on Adult Swim once.

I made my only art-film-tolerating friend go see "The Cook, etc." with me at a local theatre's midnight showing when I was in high school, because I'd heard it was a weird and interesting movie. I then made that same friend go back with me for the next three weeks so we could rewatch it. I think she just wanted to

During my sophomore year in college, hanging out with some non-friends in my dorm's common room, I heard the strangest voices oozing out of a closed door in a room near to mine. I could tell that there was some kind of sparse music behind it, but more than that I could tell certain phrases were being spoken (not sung)

Assuming you're talking about "Drop" (can't recall if there's another Pharcyde video on that collection), the video consists of three or four long-take scenes strung together.

Ships is such a great album.

Wasn't one shot though.


I like this modest proposal.

Rural Incest Humor is Your Best Entertainment Value.

Nothing in that script about washing your face in my sink?

And because it was the first major metropolitan area to adopt the second as an official unit of time.

I'm excited about this series, and having an opportunity to learn a little bit about Josh, Erik, and the voice of the Fiat GPS.

I like that this almost makes sense.

As mentioned elsewhere in these comments, you're thinking of "California" by Wax, which was directed by Spike Jonze.