
This spambot is fascinating.

Or "Pillow Books"

Waiting in the sky?

Banana Hammock would make an excellent supervillain identity.

Are you including Like a Velvet Glove Cast in Iron in that proclamation?

I'm wondering where the introduction to Eros Comics is.

You're thinking of Heathcliff.

A pirate of penance?

It doesn't hurt that the source material is pretty amazing to begin with, but…yeah.

You must be kitten me.

So I should paws?

This meowns.

Twin Peaks-themed food puns? But that's OUR job!

Aw, that's a shame. Well if it's any consolation, I'm not a prestid anymore either.

Whoa. Exactly what kind of library do you work in??

I'm too exhausted to type up one of my usual meandering think-piece comments (it was sort of a three-shields-in-one-day kind of day for me too), but I'll just say this: grand episode, fantastic revelations about Pearl's nature, and Steven is just far too good natured for all this evil-fighting biz.

It worked for my marriage.


Mel Blanc has no equal, let's face it.

I did forget about some of the cleverer Goofy pantomime shorts from Disney, which were a hoot. But I wouldn't say this was an unequaled masterpiece. The visual repetition is jarring, especially when you compare it to something like "Duck Amuck" or "Porky in Wackyland/Dough for the Do-Do."