Presten Tok

This was, without a doubt, the worst episode of the season by far. Richard Horne is more of a parody than anything else - a cardboard cutout of an evil person that is kind of hard to take seriously. Add to that the fact that this episode spends a lot of time on him without making it apparent how his plight is even

Awesome show.mi read on other threads that Elliot may be imprisoned during all of season 2, and that the entire story is just in his head. I'm not so sure about that. However, I wouldn't be surprised if he were kind of a Manchurian Candidate type character, and that Evil Corp. somehow foresaw his hack and somehow

Another great episode. I totally disagree with this review in its assertion that it traded character development for action, and that Ethan's new allegiance to the dark side was forced. The guy is dying of thirst and being hunted by a dozen or so men, and was desperate. Why wouldn't he somehow switch sides in order to

Vampires need their victims to invite them into their homes, just as Lucipher needed Vanessa to give her soul to him willingly.

I have to admit as well that I didn't recognize Hecate in episode 1, as I had completely forgotten that story arc from season 2. It really is a testament to the brilliant story telling of this show, and how skillfully the writers interweave so many plot lines.

Ummm, you guarantee 99% of the people will tune back in come October? Did you see what happened to The Killing and it's oh so clever cliffhanger ending in its first season? That's absolutely not guaranteed for TWD - a show that tries to be deep in character development but in reality is just empty calories. That's

Cliff hanger season finales usually backfire because they end up simply pissing off fans (ask the makers of The Killing). This will be no different. By the time October rolls around, no one will care anymore who got killed by Negan.

That was the worst booked Wrestlemania in many years, perhaps the worst ever. At least some of the WWE's creative - perhaps all - should be fired over it. The main event - Triple H vs Roman Reigns - was a Raw main event at best. Even one of the best matches of the night - Shane McMahon vs the Undertaker - was

The Walking Dead is dying. It's the 6th season of basically the same story every year. The character developments have become absolutely absurd, and the deaths of major characters have become gimmicky at this point. The show itself has become a Walker, so to speak, drifting aimlessly and eating up an hour of viewers'