
@Big McLargehuge: No one buys the first design, the company dies, no refreshes, therefore, everyone loses!

@ddhboy: Not animated backgrounds, animated icons, i.e. the app icons.

@PyramidHeadcrab: So real time combat was a rip off of turn based combat?

@CowPieSoup: Not the 360 scene, that's for sure. I didn't remember that.

@SAKY: Add anyone that appeared on the DS games: Julius, Yoko, the gun toting guy in Ecclesia, Richter, Maria, and the Vampire sisters.

@Sam Adams: No, the dpad and abxy can serve the same function decently enough. That's how it's been done with DS games that require stylus and dpad, like Metroid Prime: Echoes, among a ton of others.

Is the design finalized yet? They really need to add a right slider/nub for lefties. No right slider means no left/right hand option for games requiring the slider.

@AndrewRyan: Yay, another person that didn't mind Raiden. I had no problems with using him, just like I had no problems using Nero instead of Dante.

@nlshelton: Would be awesome if Link's stance and handiness is dictated by detecting whether the remote is on the left or right of the nunchuck. I don't think that's possible though right?

@1up: Well, that's why people work on a team, rather than solo. Everyone has different ideas. I'm sure they can come up with SOMETHING. Anything would be great.

@mrantimatter: It's hella overbearing. They try sooooo hard to make Sora look badass. Sorry, but I just can't accept that.

I am happy Epic took the high road and reveals equal amount of skin for both sexes on the battlefield.

Was always a SF guy, rather than a MK guy, but here's hoping this new MK can make an impact on the tourney scene, like UMK3. Fatalities are fun in the beginning, but ultimately useless for the longevity of the game. Hopefully they have a solid fighting engine in there.

@Xeno: 100% yes they do. They just need to extend the Wii/DS accounts and make Virtual Console games playable on the 3DS and Wii.