
@xmdfmk7x: Just the DVD? I think the next step is digital download - PC games and PSPGo style! jk

@Quark: I guess the only thing we can hope for is that they have the ability to cross check whether the poster's gamertag is in any way associated with requested gamertag. But I guess not :(

@Paul_Is_Drunk: Because the company forces you into retirement. Got to make room for the new blood! Generally speaking, of course. Not talking about Shiggy.

@puffa469: I'll have to start paying attention to that when I'm down there.

Damn, do I hate the art direction they took with the reboot. I realize now that I prefer conventional, generic anime art over this tripe.

So they're willing to add a whole character for free for the iPhone, but they want people to spend money on costumes that are already on the disc for consoles/PC?

@Rachel Fogg: Agreed. Not butch enough :P We need a Chyna, ODB, Beth Phoenix, Awesome/Amazing Kong looking lady on the battlefield.

@Witzbold: They have just as much to be ashamed of as people that want:

@dracosummoner: But you can catch that combo in the actual show too!

@Limeade: I wonder if the lady will be augmented too. You know, like the rest of them...

Our sXe savior! If he trimmed his beard.

@dnadns: That sounds good. Only problem is, it's not exactly 100 points = 1 euro.

@Grinman: I wouldn't. You're going to turn off the animations anyway, if you want to keep your sanity and time.

@Deanb: Oh, how happy I would be to have Bayonetta released on the PC. It would compliment DMC4 nicely ^_^

@Ken: Changing just the firmware version number doesn't stop it from actually checking the firmware version, via checksum or other protected resources.