
@ludwigk: DLC codes expire? And in such a short amount of time? -_-

@Kaddisfly: Oops, meant Guinness. Take it as you will _

When did they start referring the 4:3 resolution of 1024x768 HD?

@EvilCheeseWedge: If it hasn't been fully cracked yet, what's the point?

@Jouen: I thought I was the only one that wanted to punch him in the face _<;;;

@p|-|15|-|: So he gets punched in the face in the movie? Interesting...

@chopblock: He has 360s if that's what you're asking. And huge grab range oiled up.

@HitBit: The only fighting game I can think of that has fighters speaking their language was Tekken 5, maybe 6 too?

@destructorv2: By the dev's accounts, the shortcuts are still there.

@Dan2593: Cross game DLC. How about a space and time continuum distortion, bringing Sheperd to the ye olde days and the Dragon Age dude/chick to the future _

Sounds like online wifi fighting would be a waste of money for Capcom, since they would have to support the matchmaking server.

@Erode: So you're saying Ubi's servers are still down? I find that hard to believe.

@AndrosZ: I left it default as well. Didn't think of dirty names though.

@LucasReis: If only Cody's head proportions were right... dude is an ape! He looks weird as hell in that costume.

@Dr Durdon: Correction: The publisher, Activision, got a ass ton of money. It doesn't sound like IW have gotten their cut yet :(

@Kris Aubuchon: That's not that much, considering the player base.

@DugDawg: That was interesting indeed. Maybe it's just me, but I find people that complain about Tatsunoko vs. Capcom being on Wii come from PS3 peeps a lot more than 360 bots.