Yeah, I’m emotional. But not emotional enough to forever remember where I was and what I was doing when Jessie Graff completed stage two.
Yeah, I’m emotional. But not emotional enough to forever remember where I was and what I was doing when Jessie Graff completed stage two.
I got that same impression as well. Like, however meaningful or stupid you may think it is as a social experiment, doesn’t it sort of defeat the purpose if no one is around?
This maybe a Kinja first: trolling so bad and a taek so hawt that not a single one of OP’s comments have received even one star. Not a single person reading this thread has thought to agree with a single thing that he has said. Yet he has responded to every single comment made to him. So it would seem this is either…
Background: Mike Milbury was probably one of the worst GM’s in sports history when he held that post for the Isles from the mid-90's through the mid-’00. That’s not hyperbole. Still, instead of getting fired, he got a promotion and became an executive of the Islanders. Thus were the Islanders under Wang.
no worries! the whole premise of this article is a mess so i think we’re all confused :)
Not a fair comparison. At least Rosa Parks was offered different accommodations on the same bus.
I didn’t really understand American Psycho until about a year ago... just take my word for it.
Sounds like you all were tools of the patriarchy. /s
Free passes are owed to people!?!
Stop trying to calm their righteous outrage with your common sense! There is no place for your facts amidst all this Twitter remonstration! The people need to know that things that don’t apply to 99.9% of them are happening!
I had Zero messages and was a little disappointed with myself. Would have cried a little, but that is not something an Adequate Man would do.
I don’t even get why they’re upset about the name, though!
You obviously don’t get it. They didn’t choose the right name for their project, therefor it’s the stupidest idea since coats for dogs. It’s not like what they’re actually doing is important or anything.
I sort of doubt that. I think you’re overstating the level of interest in watching 40 point blowouts.
i miss dating subtractions in newspapers
That’s one ugly ass GOAT.
No, that’s Kotaku.
Here’s my star and why it’s problematic...
I hate to be the person that has to correct you, but Masters is actually a degree one can earn after getting a Bachelors. This has to be embarrassing for you, but at least you learned something today. You’re welcome.
It’s not salad she’s eating, because she’d be laughing.