pre-emptive sigh

Tacos are theoretically a sandwich, but I really don’t want to lower tacos to being *just* a sandwich. It’s sort of like how people are technically animals, but I like to separate out people from animals because people are more special to me personally (except for dogs, I like them more than people).

Meat bounded on two sides by bread is a sandwich.

Right. She said “release them all” and people keep saying “she’s being transparent, she said to release them all” then she got rid of a bunch of phones and iPads and deleted 33k emails.

Jesus Christ. The people in this echo chamber. Dare challenge anything that’s written, even slightly, and you get labeled “Trump Trash”. Even while you explain that you’ll be voting for Hillary, and that Trump is an idiot. If you ever want to complain about the state of political discourse in this country, please look

Are you saying that you don’t think there are any problematic aspects of her background and candidacy that need to be addressed? Should she just get a free pass on everything because she is running against a trainwreck of a human being? I think you can support Hillary when it comes down to her versus Trump, but still

“Yep, definitely the same.”

I hate Trump, and will be voting for Hillary, but I’m not sure why she gets a free pass on this site. She’s the lesser of two evils, but isn’t what I’d consider an appealing candidate. She could have nipped this all in the bud if she wanted to, and released those emails, but didn’t. Instead she acted like any

Remember when Republicans though the entire Justice Department was in the tank for Clinton when Comey said Clinton shouldn’t be prosecuted?

The FBI is LITERALLY in the tank for Donald Trump.

Oh for fuck’s sake it is not. A week ago every single person would have said that they’re in the tank for Hillary.

A recent employment tribunal case in the UK found that Uber drivers are not independent contractors. The ability to quit a job does not imply you are self-employed.

Actually what happened is the city of Houston decided to make itself an uber like app that connected all the cab/limo companies.

I agree. I think cab companies can and should compete with companies like Uber. I also think the unions need to chill the fuck out. That said, the unions do create some positive outcomes. If Uber competes, it should compete on a playing field that is at least similar to the cab companies. Uber has an untaxed workforce

If people “don’t care” about the cab regulations intended to keep them safe, then let’s go full Invisible Hand and repeal all those cab regulations, then see how well Uber does. Same goes with Airbnb and hotel regs.

Neither is Uber’s, but if I make an app for chemical pickup, that’s a multi-billion dollar idea right?

What strawman? Uber exists because it ignores labor laws. Just like anyone else who ignores laws it has an advantage over others who don’t.

Uh, sure they would. Cab company’s have to do background checks, regularly inspect vehicles, pay at least minimum wage, provide healthcare, etc...Uber is just like ‘nah.’

It guys were not the ones making the ‘mistake’ on an email server. Every-fucking-body who works for the government knows the rules, and Hillary is the one who made the decision to use a private server.

Let me know when he’s caught doing something this unethical. Until then, shut up. This is a 10/10 on the unethical scale in journalism.