Umm no. Benghazi is a bullshit narrative. There were 13 embassy attacks under Bush with multiple US fatalities. The embassy is Karachi was attacked three separate times. Where was the outrage over those deaths?
Umm no. Benghazi is a bullshit narrative. There were 13 embassy attacks under Bush with multiple US fatalities. The embassy is Karachi was attacked three separate times. Where was the outrage over those deaths?
It’s pointless. This place is as bad as Brietbart for echo chamber reverberations. I’m on pre-emptive sigh #4 because any criticism of Hillary is considered trolling. I always keep my tone respectful, never call anyone stupid or anything like that, and yet I’ll still log in to find myself banned for no apparent reason…
Who’s going to pay to upgrade the city like that hmm?
Yes. In the same way Cosby and Trump haven’t been convicted of sexual assault, there’s enough of a reason to believe they did that you’d be wary leaving them alone with female family members. Similarly, Clinton hasn’t been convicted of anything but 4 decades of scandals is enough of a reason to believe that she does…
And since Bill Cosby hasn’t been convicted yet, I assume you’re ok with him chaperoning your daughters overnight trip? Or would you use common sense and say there’s enough circumstantial evidence that indicates that’s probably a bad idea?
Can you tell me when I said she was found guilty of anything?
Most likely stretch pants.
Two little girls... very excited to trick or treat with Mommy and Daddy.
Stick to sports on your non-sports subblog!
It’s a not an’s a Christian playboy bunny.
You missed this gem:
She should win, she’s running against the clown from It.
Stevie Wonder is a big faker.
The same people who think Hillary’s ongoing email saga is ‘no big deal’ I’m sure.
Uh sure. Work for cash, don’t tell the IRS the full amount of money you made. Profit.
But Mr. Trump’s audacious tax-avoidance
Jokes on him, all that sugar will rot his teeth.
The trick is to do Hillary’s dirty work. The last DNC chair was also hand picked by Hillary...