pre-emptive sigh

accreditation is why

Joseph MCarthy? G. Gordon Liddy? Himmler? I mean she has a type.

Yes, it crosses the line of pathology since it’s clearly interfering with his work and relationships. I don’t think there’s as much empathy for sex addiction out there, but it's a real issue.

Whether there is actual influence-peddling here is almost irrelevant. Why give anyone a foot in the door to make such an insinuation? The appearance of impropriety and influence-peddling were HRC to win the presidency would be enough to call any decision she makes into question. If it is truly a philanthropic endeavor

I agree that the people who think Bill and Hillary murdered Vince Foster are a lost cause.

Absolutely spot on! It creates an avenue where every single judgement Hillary makes as president will be questioned. Say a company such as the United Fruit Company (UFC) that was tight with the government of say Guatamala. The Guatamalans elect a new leader who doesn’t agree with the way the United Fruit Company is

appearance of conflict of interest is a real thing. It’s something people have gotten fired for, jailed for, etc.

I don’t understand why there is any debate about this.

It’s called The Concourse.

The Clintons should shut down the Foundation to stop this unbelievably tedious debate. That would be their greatest public service.

Umm, it was more than half of all the private people that she met with during her reign. It was clearly the means to gain her ear, to gain access. She was, therefore, selling her public office. What about people who lack the means to give millions to the Foundation for Graft and Influence Peddling, are they to be shut


Yeah, they keep talking about sports.

I agree. I’m not an internet doctor but I did stay at a Holiday Inn

They should just merge the Concourse and the Slot into a new political blog.

Yes, please. I feel like I paid my Gawker Media dues to be ungreyed everywhere! Muwhahahahaha!

Facial interpretation from left to right:

My last day of my internship I looted the supply room. I think I did a thorough job - it was back in the 90s but I still have pens, pencils, and paper clips from that place.

Out you come for today for making me laugh.

Tip #6 Steal office supplies, furniture and just about everything that's not nailed down and sell on Craigslist