pre-emptive sigh

‘P.S. Can Gawker refugees get some consideration? Can I get a letter of reference from Ashley and HamNo to be ungreyed on other UniVision platforms?’

Look out at the world around you and tell me how you can honestly believe that such life-changing technical and medical breakthroughs would be distributed ‘uniformly’ enough to create that scenario.

Notice Hillary only swings her hips to the right.

Reading takes work and thinking takes time. Better for some to just assume, voice the outrage based on those assumptions, and feel that they have somehow contributed to the “conversation.”

More suicide squad?!.... Shouldn’t these be posted as sponsored by now?

Did you read the article?

This comment bears no discernible relationship to the article its speaking on. Their concern is very clearly not who the target is, as it does in fact note the worthiness of leaking some of this information, but the total disregard for the privacy of people who have nothing to do with Wikileak’s stated policy goals.

Thanks for admitting to the world that you can’t read.

One person? Did we watch the same movie?

Let’s not forget a bad guy, Lex Luthor, that you hate for all the wrong reasons - not because he’s a bad guy, but because it’s Jesse Fucking Eisenberg playing Jesse Fucking Eisenberg again. That’s not profanity, by the way, but I believe his actual middle name.

I thought it sucked because Batman was a homicidal super villain until he finds out that Superman’s mom has the same name as his mom.

That's like blaming a woman for getting raped because she wasn't wear enough clothing. It is wrong to steal regardless of how much security someone has.

No. As a dyed-in-the-wool, old-school liberal, I can say that no, if the details had been of Republican donors, that would not be “cool”.

No, it would be unacceptable. The DNC and RNC keep extremely detailed, meticulous records to ensure they don’t even ACCIDENTALLY break donation laws. Nothing in this data seems illegal or scandalous, except of course for the publication of the data itself. No whistle is being blown. They haven’t published some

I was just honest with myself and, no, it’d still be a shitty move.

So they were asking for it?

What kind of a site would post someone’s private information like a bunch of dickheads? That’s like unnecessarily outing someone.

...Oh, right.