I think they changed the system so getting followed by a main blog means you’re automatically followed by the subblogs. I also just got ungreyed on all the Gawker sublogs which is about as useful as winning a unicycle with a flat tire.
I think they changed the system so getting followed by a main blog means you’re automatically followed by the subblogs. I also just got ungreyed on all the Gawker sublogs which is about as useful as winning a unicycle with a flat tire.
I was looking at that thermostat and thinking if I turn my thermostat down to 60 I’m looking at a $400 bill. Hardly frugal.
So this ad is saying that he can’t even reach compromise with his wife?
yeah, I got ungreyed on all Gawker sub-blogs...hooray! I can now post on sites that no longer get updated!
What I don’t understand, is that for the amount of money these people spend on politics, they could literally pay people to move to important districts. Set up some kind of company in a swing district and hire employees from out of state to move there and actually change the demographics.
“back up her claim that there was some type of
playboyplaygirl atmosphere.”
I don’t think we should be encouraging furries like this.
Trump has pledged to volunteer several undocumented immigrants and unpaid interns. Now can he get that photo of him holding a shovel and a sound bite about how Obama doesn’t care about white people?
This is how it works. Taking tens of thousands from the government makes you a savvy citizen, taking less than a hundred a month for food makes you a low-life moocher.
No, you have it all wrong. Republicans on welfare and cheating the system are fine. It’s just democrats on welfare who ruin the country.
Don’t forget that he’s an ally to poor people as well. America has the best poor people. Other countries are super jealous of our poor people. Like the abundant healthcare benefits, education opportunities, and generous welfare programs the poor have that Darrel Issa has tried to cut at every turn.
I’m 35, I finished paying off college last year. The world didn’t change overnight. Lots of my classmates took unpaid internships. I couldn’t afford to. Either I had to find an internship that paid or get a real job. An unpaid internship wasn’t an option.
Well, if that’s true, your cousin is a shitty daughter. Is there a reason she’s not driving uber or working fast food or a cashier somewhere? Is it because she just doesn’t want to? Why does your aunt allow it?
Desperate is your parents or someone else helping you eat or pay your phone bill
Let’s remember she was arrested for shoplifting and was illegally collecting unemployment benefits while working (for pay) for Ted Cruz’s senate campaign. Donald Trump only hires the best people.
Really? There’s a black market for stolen ink cartridges? Cuz my office has tons of the expensive laser cartridges lying around...just saying
Isn’t it the opposite though? If you are in a position where you can work for no pay, someone else is covering your expenses, meaning you’re not desperate like someone who actually has to make money is.
Well, typically companies hiring full time employees have experience requirements. 1-2 years for even entry level positions. I’ve always wondered how people were supposed to get experience if no one hired anyone without experience, I guess unpaid internships is the answer.
I like politics. That’s why I’m on the SLOT, not Jezebel. If I wanted stories about Justin Bieber’s dick, I’d be on Jezebel.
Unenforceable rules, aren’t really rules. They just exist to make people feel better. Who’s going to complain? The interns who agreed to work for free in the first place? The companies who get free labor? The other employees who don’t have to make copies or get coffee?