david morris


Ohio drivers on the WV Turnpike. They refuse to get out of the left lane, they think they know how to drive those mountainous curves. lol

Thanks for posting.

I own a 2002 4Runner (3rd Gen), with 363K, no rust and no dents. I know these things go for crazy money right now, but with all the stated maintenance, it will sell for close to the asking price. I have had guys from off the street (3x), the last being Seneca Rocks, WV 2020 ask me how much??

I have a friend at the Buffalo plant as well. He as described this process in detail as well. ( T. Haney)

We have at least 3 Mitsu dealers in a 75 mile radius where I live in WV. You see a lot of Outlander Sports and Mirages on the roads here. I was hoping they would bring the new Pajero/Montero back to the US market.

A native of the Mountain State (WV) paving the way for others! I teach labor history, had to throw that in.

My grandparents had a beige 77 model, we took a summer vacation in the mid-80's to CA and back from WV. We took a more northern route through WY and SD visiting Yellowstone and the Badlands, down through UT and the Grand Canyon. Eventually made it to San Diego and Tijuana. The car ran like a champ with 3 adults and 2

I agree and a trip to the Grand Canyon in 2018 and camping under the stars as a 40 something year old, I was reminded of this

My grandparents had an ‘86 Dip. that I was driving in So. Ohio. I had my license about 2 yrs., gas gauge said 1/2 tank but I had run out of gas. No cellphone for me back in ‘89, but it had a CB radio!! 80's Chrysler Fun Fun!!

Here in WV, all the jokes aside, it’s pretty cheap to live here and buy a nice home. It’s not uncommon to travel long distances to work (teacher-40-45minutes) and I live in the “urban area of WV between Charleston-Huntington I-64 corridor”. Its a 2 hrs drive to MLB, NFL NHL or international airport Cincy-Columbus, Oh,

That’s freaking awesome!!!! Love the last part of the video!!

Any more word (rumors) of possible PSA tie-up with FCA or any other maker to re-enter the US market?

Don’t forget he got his start with some psychedelic rock with “Just dropped in(To see what condition my condition was in) “......see “Big Lebowski”

Another good ol’ boy from WV who “done” good! RIP!

My first love or infatuation was a mid-70's TR7, which was a fragile, money loving nightmare! I eventually found  a 2002 4Runner, that has been my DD since 2005. The most reliable, honest vehicle I have owned. It outlasted my 10 year marriage and has been much cheaper to maintain than my ex ever was! Long live my

I was just looking at those on Autotrader, don’t ask why !

“The Shape of Things to Come” I owned a ‘76 British Racing Green ‘7. I loved it it, but IT loved my wallet more!!

This may have already been pointed out, but Edd’s logo looks very much like H-D’s logo. It is just an observation, when I saw his van. I like Edd and I don’t own a Harley, not that there is anything wrong with that!

I have an ‘02 4runner that I have owned since ‘05. Much more “reliable and faithful” than my 10 year marriage. I will literally be in mourning, when it goes.