President Zod


No one is asking for literal casting in a fantasy movie.

Should be Zod. World is primed for more Zod. ZOD!

LOL excellent. Cue up the psychedelic dance party stat!

Bitching about bothsiderism is exactly the same as the MAGA whataboutism mindset.

The kids these days don’t understand nuance bFreddie.

“Hey! That chick broke our robot arm and dumped some tubes of shit!”


Because no one would suspect he would!

Yeah I was wondering that too. Plus there was power.

Season 4 was decent. I liked the setting. I liked the leads. The end didn’t really bother me. The mystery was weak-sauce and villains were head-scratching with beyond pithy motivations (World’s Greatest Microorganism FTW!) and <gasp!> evil corporate broad and her toady from the BBC!

Ursa and I saw this last night with 2 other couples. We all greatly enjoyed it. Leigh’s review is spot-on.

On brand for the subject matter as it were?

Hey-o! You have been awarded...Australia!

It’s like they didn’t have a lucid plan when they went to market. 

A pig is a wonderful, magical animal. 

Oh, right. It was Jesse Jane who OD’ed. Duh. Lisa Ann just got in trouble for something else in the news, that’s where the signals crossed in my head.

Well, Dennis Rodman did wonderful PR work for Kim Jong Un. I can’t see how this would hurt the Saudi’s.

I believe the porn actress who bore an uncanny resemblance to Sarah Palin in the porn classic, Who’s Nailin’ Palin? died recently. Very sad. 

You are right!