President Rocket

That's next year's movie, right?

Is this not a show about Taylor Swift's character from the "Bad Blood" music video?
Oh, it's about cats?
…oh. Nevermind then.

I saw this post on Jezebel (or some Gawker site) yesterday. Thus, I knew it was going to blowup into some non-issue problem, as per the norm for the outrage culture that's getting ever popular. I don't have a problem with it being pointed out, it's just it'll be paraded around for a couple weeks and then forgotten

Thanks. I thought I installed it, but it's not showing up. I'll have to double check. I was wondering why I couldn't select that option.

Oh no, this usually occurred in the backyard or inside the house. We respected public property (and wanted to avoid police intervention) to not smash glass on the sidewalks. However, street signs and their belonging to the public was a different story…

She's feeling 22 million streams. Or something. I tried.

The pornography store called…

Yeah, I never got the AC dlc. I haven't tried the Harley Quinn DLC in AK yet, and am not quite sure how to access it. Maybe after I beat the game?

Yes you can. Sometimes, you'll need to be in the Batmobile to trigger a mission, but you can call it easy. I recommend traversing around by gliding so you don't over do it with the Batmobile. That way, when you need to do chases in missions and such, you don't feel worn out.

This liquor store near my college had a few of those ads hanging around still. Good times.

Internet, this was actually an interesting thing you posted.

This premise sounds pretty interesting, but I'm afraid the film itself will probably blow.

Wait what? Most of those links are about white
male privilege, and don't address the whole thing about how virtually
every man in our society—including you—has the unconscious belief that men should have more power than women, because we're all raised in that soup from birth.

Wait what? Most of those links are about white
male privilege, and don't address the whole thing about how virtually
every man in our society—including you—has the unconscious belief that men
should have more power than women, because we're all raised in that soup from

I'm enjoying this immensely on my PS4, probably about 8 hours or so in with about 35% completion and 40% for the main story. All of the minor details and references make this game phenomenal. People are complaining about the Batmobile, but I'm finding it quite fun if you don't over do it.

It's fun to say things like "Virtually every man in our society—including me—has the unconscious belief that men should have more power than women, because we're all raised in that soup from birth" without any sort of backing, isn't it?

Do you have a Tumblr I could follow?

Well, Captain Cold will return soon so I'm sure he'll be taking those fancy glasses with him.

Really, a C+? I'd give this one a very strong B, almost a B+ if the recording studio bit wasn't dragged out, though it was a good laugh.. These past four episodes have been pretty fun overall. And Chang was also again pretty stellar this episode, and Abed and Jeff's moments were great.

The Avocados at Law live to defend another day.