President Rocket

Weren't the le 90s so much better when you had to stand in front of a mirror to take a picture of yourself?

I'll take the Venomson with a side of J.Jonah Jalapeno poppers.

Spider-Man looks away longingly.

All you want for Christmas is a Dennis Quaid tirade? You must have had a sad childhood.

I just torrent most of mine.

There's really no other way to say "I had 5 Guys in my mouth" without saying "I had 5 Guys in my mouth"!

Revealing this twist….well, there was no indication that anything like this was planned, and it would've been a cool moment in the theater. Sure, it gives way to set the main conflict, but I would've much rather have seen it in theater with no indication it was gonna happen.

It'll be back.

-At least 3 Terminators to deal with in the "present" storyline
-Enough blatant ripoffs (not even homages!) of the good Terminators you could almost think this is a remake
-That John Conner fuckery
-That John Conner fuckery
-Emilia Clarke's mediocre acting
-That John Conner fuckery

No 90s, no care.

5 Illinois shows in the (relatively) same area is a bit overkill, no?


It's collusion for the inevitable Avengers vs. Justice League: Age of the Dawn of Infinite Night crossover 5 part movie extraordinaire.

I was anticipating a comment like this.

Madonna Sucked.
More news at 11.

I played it in chunks, which I'm sure helped a lot. I'd play for 3 hours-ish every couple days so I wouldn't feel completely defeated. A thing that helped me a lot is doing co-op and joining other words to help get a better feel for the bosses and areas. That way I would be much more confident making runs in my own

Thanks. It was the first Souls-type game I actually beat, so I'm pretty proud of myself. Gonna pick up DS2 on PS4 when it goes on sale since I only got 1/3rd of the way through the first time around.

My stomach doesn't appreciate the Five Guys I ate yesterday but I don't care.

Watched 11/13 episodes of Daredevil. Beat Bloodborne. Worked on some projects.