President Rocket

Right here with me.

If you drive through Ohio slow enough, you end up with a degree.

And the meek shall inherit the salt!

My girlfriend already kills my dreams of blowjobs, so you're saying we're already married?

Ah, the good old nuclear option.

I only know Good to Sea thanks to the Modest Mouse station on Pandora. It's a pretty solid song.


It also gave us Wrecking Ball! And The Harlem Shake! And Sail! And you get the idea of how terrible the Top 100 was.

My friend was raving about this show and what he'd do to Gillian Anderson. So instead of watching this, I ended up starting on the X-Files, where Anderson looks lesser hotter than she does in The Fall.

More Lego, Internet?

Solid Snake sues Ron Perlman.

Fall Out Boy sues Bethesda?

Something about German engineering really brings out the crazies.

To be fair, it was her parents' that wanted to watch them.

I was forced to sit through Divergent. There was only about 5 minutes of entertainment. That was also the same weekend I sat through God's Not Dead. It was a dark weekend.

I always think it's funny that Amazon lets people review home releases of movies before they're released. It's like, I really go to Amazon for movie reviews of a movie that's been in theaters for awhile but isn't available on Blu Ray for another 2 months.

I really enjoyed the pilot to The Americans, but never went back to it for some reason, probably because the Amazon Video app on PS4 sucks and auto play wasn't allowed to dictate my life.

Bates Motel is my guilty pleasure/binge watch show. Great acting, if some pretty cliche/throwaway moments in every episode. It's like the best kind of soap opera.

Is any of this show worth watching? I've heard the first season is great, then it flounders a lot, but the past season or so was solid.

I've got some pubes from his concert to sell!