President Rocket

Only fairies wear boots!

Speaking of erections, Stephen Amell posted this story about the Arrow costume on Facebook:

When I was growing up, I didn't play co-op Halo at my friend's house for probably 2 months because I thought I would never be able to kill a Flood.

My first Metroid experience was Fusion on GBA, and then after Zero Mission came out I found a copy of Super Metroid for $5 and played it to hell and back.

I'd tell myself to hold off on getting a PS3 because I would buy a PS4 and The Last of Us Remastered a year later. I'd also tell myself to wait for the Diablo 3 expansion.

I've seen that! It's like vinaigrette or something! There were also mini bottles of Coke around Christmas time that looked like the exact same thing as well.

The Artist Formerly Known As The Prince of Persia?

You're right, you'd only make millions writing porn scripts and Transformers erotica.

I'm gonna go with Captain America, but with a slightly different explanation. He stands for for something. He believes in justice and fights for what he feels is right, something you don't see a lot of these days. People fight, sure, but they fight for money and other non-factors. Cap fights for what he believes and

Well, I was more getting at the actual discussion and dissection of the trailer would be the nerd thing, not the trailer itself being posted.

That song literally just came up on my Youtube mix.

True Detective is gonna be shot single-camera style now, isn't it?

Please don't give me a wedgie.

Sorry that I enjoy nerding out with other nerds on this nerd website.

You're really taking your time putting up a post about the Avengers trailer.

I used to get Freddie Prinze Jr. and Robert Downey Jr. mixed up.

We watched the movie in my high school lit class as we read The Odyssey, good times. That and Schindler's List (which we also watched in high school) were one of the first few movies that got me to think more critically about movies and broadened my horizons. I'm sure analyzing the colors used in The Great Gatsby also

I don't have enough pants to get me through the day.

But was it deluxe with a special slipcase and gatefold?

I really would like a vinyl version of ABBA: Gold.