President Camacho

I don’t know who Alexis I don’t use reddit. I have looked at it twice and it made me angry both times.

Not surprising that a rapist didn’t know he had crossed the line.

“Crucifying is something that jews do to good people.”

Great post...couldn’t agree more.

I agree with this post.

I love this. The Republican party has incubated this virus which is Trump for years. It broke out and is working its way through the lab, infecting some staff, killing off others, terrorizing everyone, and you have idiots like Liz Mair talking about the “Republican Message.” Fuck off. The Republican Message IS Donald

Oh Tim Kaine doesn’t blow your nips off and suck your dick as a VP pick? Wow...surprising. He’s a grinder. He’s a wonk. He’s intelligent and oh all he did before getting into politics was operate a legal practice that fought discrimination in housing and lending.

I’m a lawyer and this is fucking stupid. Whatever case he files will be dismissed and then he will claim that the system is rigged.