Do you have any thoughts on some of the smaller “single issue” bills that have been proposed, such as Justin Amash’s bill to end qualified immunity:
My dad grew up in a poor white family in West Virginia back in the 40s. I didn’t know the real names of most of his siblings until I started reading them in obituaries. Uncle Jack (real name Oliver) Aunt Sis (I never did actually learn her real name, but this one really should have tipped me off that something was…
I’m coming from a pro-life perspective and I fully support this idea (or something similar). It seems like a no-brainer. If the goal is to preserve life and if the underlying mentality is that sex has consequences then men obviously need to be held equally accountable and responsible.
My wife has worked at a crisis…
I wanted to thank you as well. It’s a difficult topic with a lot of strong feelings around it and I feel like both sides tend to ignore just how complex of an issue it is. I’ve always thought it’s worth the time to try to understand where people are coming from.
So just in the interest of full disclosure, I’m coming at this from a Christian point of view. I believe that humans were created in the image of God, and so my view of the sanctity of human life would derive from that.
That being said I also consider myself very libertarian-leaning and so I place a high value on free…
There seems to be a jump here from the moral realm to the legal realm.
My thought process is that we as people ought to attempt to determine what’s objectively right (or if there is no ‘objective right’ then at least what’s right for our society), and then craft law to reflect that.
So while I’m aware that under the…
I think a lot of people would pay to see “a four-hour finale consisting solely of a schoolhouse lecture explaining every little symbol and confounding clue” hosted by Hurley.
it’s far worse to violate a grown persons bodily autonomy than to have an abortion
There are abortion doulas now.
Thanks, I appreciate your reply. I would certainly agree with your view that all life is precious.
I’m curious, have you ever given any thought to why you have that belief?
Thanks, I really appreciate your reply.
I do have a couple of questions.
You mention that you find abortion to be morally wrong for you, but because morality is relative you wouldn’t hold others to that same conviction. (please correct me if I’m misstating your position)
In your theft example however you don’t appeal to…
If you’d be willing to share, I’m curious to know. Why do you think it’s wrong?
Why would these hypothetical people “never consider having an abortion”?
Do you mean to say they’d never consider it because they think it would be morally wrong for them? Or do you mean to suggest that they could ‘consider’ doing it but choose not to for non-moral reasons?
I’m not attempting to make that link in my comment. My point is that IF someone has made that link then I don’t see how they can logically have a ‘you do you’ attitude about the matter.
I don’t think it makes any sense for a person to say ‘abortion is murder’ and also say ‘but it’s fine if you want to do it’.
My second…
That really doesn’t seem like a logical position to take. If the hypothetical pro-life person views the abortion as the murder of a human being, then this would be equivalent of saying: “I disagree with murder so I won’t commit one, but if you want to commit one then that’s your choice.”
And if the pro-life person…
I wanted to say that I really appreciate your reply and explanation of your position. I do think you nailed the central issue here about what constitutes a ‘right’ and where those rights come from.
My default position would be that property rights are inherent (endowed by our Creator...) and that a right to…
I’m not sure I follow your argument. Are you suggesting that it’s inconsistent for the government to allow for personal choice/responsibility with regards to healthcare options while simultaneously enforcing private property rights?
I’m not a lobbyist, and I’m not a Republican. I’m a software engineer for a railroad, and I’m opposed to single payer healthcare, but I also don’t believe our current system is good. I believe I should have the freedom to choose the healthcare that I want in a truly free market. I shouldn’t have to deal government…