
Me too! I am devastated that is not the case.

The family part is liberating - after a while. Between the revelation that your parents don’t love you and the light at the end of the tunnel lieth a valley of unimagineable hurt. Once you realise that you are no longer beholden to them in any way and are free to do whatever the hell you want, it gets easier.

I went to the Mt St Helens Museum a couple years back and, honestly, my major takeaway from the 1980 newspapers they had as part of the exhibit, featuring articles covering the big eruption were the smaller stories in the paper - about how Portland had finally desegregated 1980.

So, uh.... “Gipped” looks to me like a misspelling of “Gypped” which is sort of totally fucking racist. How ‘bout we edit that to “cheated” and leave racist terms out of it?

Hi, so I’m just here to ruin the fun and point out that “gipped” or “jipped” or “gypped” —or however you want to write it— is an ethnophaulism against Romani peoples. It’s not a very nice word to say ☹