Roenick is the only hockey player to ever make Patrick Roy seem smart and reasonable...
Roenick is the only hockey player to ever make Patrick Roy seem smart and reasonable...
Nathan Lane’s son...
Bruce Boxleitner is a national treasure!
My favorite Body Count song!
And I’m okay with that...
Yeah, but The Falcon and the Snowman is still available, right?
“I don’t give a shit that I’m slowly balding, that’s the genetic lottery I got, but it doesn’t make a dude racist.”
I’ll cop to bagging on his looks - and not giving a shit about it because this guy’s a fucking turd - but at what point do I equate balding with racism?
Look at the brushed-forward hair, even on the sides. Despite that shit eating grin, he sooooo wishes he wasn’t bald...
One of those rare instances when the image I have in my head of a person I’ve never seen matches up exactly with reality...
You’re a sack of shit...
Your country’s fucked...
I mean, they’re good, but they’re not Bipartisan Assholes good...
Halloween is four months away? You meant four years, right?
No, you’re thinking of Omaska...
They started off doing Ramones covers, but in recent years they’ve compiled an impressive collection of originals, thank you very much!
Whatchu got against the Bipartisan Assholes, Wichita’s favorite punk band?
How dare you besmirch the reputation of The Substances, Wichita’s favorite ska band!
Not enough Jesses/Jessies...
Chance is his son’s name...