Preparation Heche
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He should have gone with “dungarees”...

We know he’s not black because the kid survived his encounter with the NYPD...

Believing in the meritocracy for 30+ years....

Someone sylviaed his pepe...

Yeah, these shoes are quite sticky on the bottom...

Probably the greatest sketch to ever open up a sketch comedy series. That sketch is the very definition of putting your best foot forward...

The pharmacy next to the massage parlor...

This all reminds me of when Jerry Springer was a city council member in Cincinnati and he got arrested for soliciting a prostitute. The transaction was easily tracked because Springer paid her with a check...

This wasn’t very funny, but it’s worth noting that Conner O’Malley’s egg bite game is off the charts...

Wheelbarrow” is pronounced with an “-oh” sound at the end. In other words, “Guerrero” most certainly does rhyme with “wheelbarrow”...

This was a typo, right? I’m pretty sure he meant to say that his dad’s racism was caused by the “Jews”...

** looks at username **

Have you mentioned the one girl’s magic slingshot yet? Either slingshot technology has improved in leaps and bounds since I was a kid, or that girl is a mythological figure straight out of the goddamn Bible...

In a show chock full of stupid characters doing stupid shit, can we all agree that Henry might might be one of the stupidest characters doing some of the stupidest shit?

To be fair, Don Cherry hasn’t even dragged his ass into the 20th century...

That is fucking awesome.

Caroline’s a CFL fan...

It was a solid retraction too.

The intro/theme song from Little House on the Prairie would work too...

The spear thing bothered me too. You don’t have to be a spear/horse expert to know that that’s a bad idea...