Eh, she just wanted Linda Perry to hook her up with some sweet goggles…
Eh, she just wanted Linda Perry to hook her up with some sweet goggles…
Like running into someone who's got a pic-a-nic basket-sized tumor…
I just read the wiki page for the Hartford Circus Fire. It says (no fooling) that Charles Nelson Reilly was in attendance. Did your grandmother ever mention anything about going to the circus with a gay dude who shook his glasses every time he made a joke?
Dini, I served with Stride Mother. I knew Stride Mother. Stride Mother was a friend of mine. Dini, you are no Stride Mother…
"As confirmed from a publicist by TV Line…"
I went out and watched a Star War instead….
Former Minnesota Twins outfielder Dan Gladden…
Your father needs to find some people who insist that he's a good guy, despite the fact that he hasn't been good for the past 15-20 years…
It isn't?
Don't give Mr. Bananagrabber any ideas…
Listen: to the screams of a homeless guy in my neighborhood
Play: with the emotions of a homeless guy in my neighborhood as he pleads for his life
Read: the last will and testament of a homeless guy in my neighborhood, written in blood on my basement wall
Watch: Golden Girls, season 3
John Ross Bowie is a solid actor. The lisp was so unnecessary because he can play a weaselly character without it…
Yeah, that Leonard Pierce fellow had some amazing scoops…
You need to find a new dentist…
The worst is their nemesis with the lisp (can't remember his name). So fucking lazy and cheap…
Isn't that a Seinfeld quote?
Matthew is the Mayor of Television…
Theoretically, every show that's ever been put on TV has potential. Todd was simply playing the "potential" angle to justify giving semi-favorable reviews to a complete turd of a show…
Hey, everyone! Check out Gino Vannelli over here!
Who's Harry Crumb?