
The one in my neighborhood (Baltimore city) has a voice that says "He-LLOO?" Before it plays a horrible tune. The tone of the "Hello" is like when you point out something is wrong or stupid. It bothers me.

From what I've witnessed living in the South, lots of fathers are against abortion, until it's their daughter. Then they are all for it.

Damn, Ms Flores!

The blue ribbon went to Tommy Davis' (son of EastCo Petroleum COO, Fred Davis) presentation on, "GLOBAL WARMING - GLOBAL HOAX"

As awesome as this is she only placed third in the regional fair. What's up with those judges?!?

I've posted this one a few times before, but it's a classic.

It was 1994 and I had just moved to a new city to start my life as a Grown Ass Woman. My roommate turned me on to these new things "AOL" and "chat rooms" and I soon joined a "chat" with others in my new city. While chatting with this one cool woman about my interest in finding a job in advertising or law, she

Erstwhile good time girl here. I used to use Craigslist aaaalllll the time for donor dick. It was as easy as buying a pizza on line—order what you like, you know?

Oh man. This is going to be a long one, so stick with me!

It's not about cultural sensitivity. It's about a history of colonization and colonial interference. A lot of the increased conservatism in many countries doesn't have as much to do with culture as it has to do with a reaction to Western supremacist attitudes. After a long history of the West telling other parts of

I'm pretty sure I got the worst ever solicitation on okcupid. It was, "Do you have any fetuses?" lose all credibility when someone makes a good point and you ignore it to call them out on a pronoun slip that isn't even a slip.

EXACTLY. Murder against women, when there is a deep sense of entitlement to women, to women's bodies, to react violently to women, that is a hate crime. As far as I am concerned, even if not legally recognised.

It doesn't meet the legal definition for hate crimes, at least in my state (and from what I understand, we've actually got pretty serious hate crime laws compared to other states). They are misogyny-based, but the women weren't targeted because they were women so much as because the victim was a specific woman he felt

The other murders you speak of sound misogyny based. I would consider those also to be hate crimes. Maybe that's not the legal definition, I don't know, I am not from Florida, but it sure as hell seems like it to me. So I would totally believe this to be standard behavior for hate crimes, where hate was a motivating

I think it's pretty clear from my comment in the post (which is not "flippant" unless you want to dismiss the very real point I and women like me are trying to make) that doctors do this all the time. Especially to women. Sure, you can call it "malpractice" or whatever. But my point is this is the norm for a lot of

Just call 911!

How old are you?! I remember when Nick first came out! Today's Special, David the Gnome, and Maya the Bee when I was little. Then You can't do that on television, Clarissa Expains it all, Hey Dude, Pete and Pete. They don't make tv shows like that anymore.

the question is legit: have you ever modeled? Based on your comments I can only conclude that the answer is no and echo the comment already made: that isn't how it works.

Uhm, she is a writer and stylist, I doubt her thoughts were about a portfolio.....