
It’s actually just the classic narrative arc of what happens in these situations.

It sounds like he was bullied and abused for having a disability/disfiguring condition, and then lashed out. This is not to excuse him - obviously many people are bullied for many reasons, and don’t do this. but I wonder if this tendency would have been triggered without suffering from that at first, or if he would

Uh... did they ever put a bunch of women to test whether it is "odorless?" I have found that it doesn't STINK, per se, like other odors do. But I can tell through my nose that it's there - I get dizzy/headache and it registers to me like the same kind of "smell" effect as when I smell different types of noxious,

Er... I'm Japanese/White ,and DEFINITELY have baby hairs. At least, I have hairs that are shorter, a different texture, the same texture that grows on an infant's head, around my hairline. What are those, if not baby hairs?

They are not styled into spit curls, however.

This comment is so complicated because on one hand, fuck Givenchy for racial appropriation weirdness. On the other hand, fuck the people who are bemoaning the appropriation not because it's racist, but because working class latinas are un-classy.

What purpose does it have on ANYONE'S hair other than being a style? I'm Asian and I have baby hairs - what else am I supposed to do with them, other than either highlight them as a style in their own right, or try to hide them with bangs?

I actually don't think the negativity surrounding this can be pinned down to the typical art world misogyny or dismissiveness of traditionally feminized, decorative arts. (And this is coming from a queer feminist who sees these tendencies in a lot of places.)

I too have read all of those criticisms, and not one is

850-1000 sq ft small house > 80-400 sq ft "tiny house" for so many reasons including the literal one.

I got one once from a student who said they felt like I was their "cool older sister" and helped them through a rough time, but that's as personal as it got.

At my university, the evaluations are anonymized to the instructor and issued after grades are submitted so there is no way for the evaluations to impact students' grades or potential recommendations (unless the student self-identifies). However they are attached to the student in the system so a tech//admin could

Parental blindness to their children's assholery is amazing. I'm going through a round of watching this happen right now. Not something quite as heinous as murdering and raping an infant, but this dude we know's parents keep paying tens of thousands of dollars in bail and buying him lawyers so he can continue to walk

"The solution is common sense. Women are going to be sexually assaulted. And, men are going to be falsely accused of sexual assault."

Something about the name Jenny McCarthy lends itself to nuttiness?

I read this as "standing ovulation."

This project actually always disappointed me... I was hopeful at first. But upon further research, it was mostly a performance art piece and didn't substantially do what it set out to do (provide abortion medicine and services to women who could not otherwise access them), while mostly generating publicity around

Well you don't need to look good to take the GED, the proctors don't care how you dress. So that's one thing.

Yeeeahhhhh no. If he was being a little jerk then you put him in a time out. If he was accidentally hitting kids or responding to bullying or something, then you get to the root of it.

Dude I nearly did this at Eatly in NYC... I thought it was samples of bread... they are just sitting in a basket hanging off a glass display.

The worst thing will be if some of the people DO turn out to be liars. It's hardly unlikely. And then it will cause even more of a shitstorm for everyone who was actually assaulted by Cosby.