
"I did this with the best of intentions, but no good deed goes unpunished." The unctuousness is causing my arm hair to stand on end all the way over HERE.

I recently received an out-of-the-blue text message from a number I didn't recognize, and whom I assume was from OKCupid. It said, "Hi, EekScaryPhoto! Two years ago, we planned to meet up. As you may remember, I had to break off the date because I got arrested and went to jail. I've just gotten a new phone and was


When I had workstudy in my high school's cafeteria (about 16 years ago) the meat was marked "Grade D: for prisoners and students."

Based on how you discussed it, and how the actual curator discussed it, I believe you are more qualified to curate the exhibition than he is. Please go steal his job.

" do you know how many asian am designers that are at the top of the game right now? do you think they're going to be discussing how broad and wide and modern "asian" influence is? nope. "

Asian-American and other fashion designers of Asian descent:

The garlic allergy is real... major diarrhea with blood, vomiting, and horrible, foul gas. You won't die (or at least I won't die) but it's painful. I've dated a few people (obviously not long lasting) who did not believe me when I said I had a garlic allergy. One night - nay, five minutes - of laying in bed with me

No. No you wouldn't. I am a feminist. A real "Menstrual blood isn't gross or scary and it's nothing to be ashamed of "feminist. A queer one who has earned my redwings and given others theirs. And... if you have ever smelled even a several-hours-past-expiry funky Diva Cup, you would KNOW that it would not be okay.

David Farnell is white, and Wendy Farnell is a Chinese woman that he met through a mail order bride agency shortly after he got out of jail for pedophilia (raping 3 known young girls.)

Oh, god no. Don't get the baby. They will abuse and resent him, or send him to an institution. They should provide for him to stay with the mother who loves and cares for him.

Why would you not be candidates for an institutional adoption, but a private agency would OK you?

Yeah, that is a lot of pressure on the kiddo. Especially if she turns out to have some kind of health issue later on. I feel sorry for the mothers (biological AND gestational) & get the feeling that the father is behind all of this.

Anyone who decides to hire a surrogate should NOT think that surrogates are "giving up bodily autonomy" in these major senses, and should never be allowed by a doctor to have a surrogate-enabled pregnancy. You need to treat your surrogate as a human being with rights and feelings. With your attitude, the only

I am guessing that the guy is the worst partner in the world, and he is bullying and abusing his wife also. Considering the circumstances (his history of convictions of sexually abusing young girls; finding his wife "online" from a foreign country, etc. She may be as vulnerable as the surrogate.)

No, we get to have a say in how things we pay for are run.

I'm bummed that this has resulted in a gay kinky leather dude getting fired, rather than the men who were actively harassing/raping/coercing the contestants. I mean, the perpetuation of a misogynist beauty standard and hypocritical behavioral rules can come from a gay dude as well as a straight one, but this seems

Maybe you have an unusually well run Police Department? Because that's so not the case everywhere. And just 'cause it's recorded and monitored, doesn't mean the officer is going to face any consequences for abusing the privilege of access.

I know an ex cop who is very active against police violence and militarization. He got fed up with it, hence being an *ex* cop. But that said, I'm sure there are others on the force who hate this stuff as much as he does... unfortunately they quit due to the corruption.