As am I. Being a PS3 owner, however, I hate being on the sidelines while everyone is having fun.
The Prime Minister wasn't Stephen Harper, really???
Oh man, this looks sweeeeeeeet. Never been much of a fighting game gamer, but MK9 on Vita, I played the shit out of it. Sucks I'm going to be a last-gen guy for the foreseeable future... X(
Alan Davies: "Should I draw a cock and balls...?"
That's the second game someone has mentioned here in as many days which I've read the review for on the throne.
In the future, BCE and AD will no longer be used. Before Facebook and Ano Facebooki will take their place.
Louis CK probably answered this question best:
Just nail the box to the tree.
I'm waiting until the universe sends me someone I like, whom I can stand. If I didn't do it this way, I'd feel desperate.
Now that's a Kevin Smith that can fit in an airline seat.
Why don't they just make a life simulator game that's actually like living life? Like, the GT of life games? Colonoscopy appointments, kids dance recitals, and all that other boring junk.
Writing for Kotaku, how often do you pay for games?
I got Resident Evil 6 for 5 bucks. So, that.
Who'd'a thought the Nazgul wore trainers.
Must be laundry day.
I think I've gotten to the point where I don't need to watch the original trilogy ever again. In fact, I don't think I've even seen the unadulterated versions.
I'd like to see: