I was there, dressed as the Holiest of Holies.
I was there, dressed as the Holiest of Holies.
You Can Always Depend On The Kindness Of Strangers!
I find it doesn't matter what beer one likes, since it will be hated with a passion by an inversely equal portion of the population. Whatever slakes your thirst.
Is it make ya some eggs good?
Microsoft to release the XXXBone.
Same here. Especially in things I watch, as I find I gather more information that way, not just out necessity.
Nerds assemble!
lol care to elaborate why?
Sweet, thanks! Seems I'm not the only one who needs something like this :) Thanks again
Likewise. Hyper-vigilante today, aren't we?
You must be new here. Welcome to the internet, Nancy.
Can you please do an article on how people make their 'stumes? Shit's inspiring.
I'm almost 30 and as long as the virtual world is Skyrim, I don't mind being hooked up to it. You may think it sad, but I'd be a lot happier.
Is that how you quantify someone having an opinion you don't like? Whose the real dick?
You need to separate the image from the background and get a checkerboard background. It's kinda hard to explain, but the checkerboard signifies there is no background. I just found this image in googleimages, and it was already done. This is a .png file. Basically, import something into Photoshop and use the quick…
Forced? No. No more than you were replying to my comment. Have a nice night.
I know I'm bored as fuck, but not bored as fuck enough to watch someone walk into a wall repeatedly. Think I'll kill myself instead.
Stay tuned for not much else but Twitch Plays Pokemon Again on Kotaku.