
I can see how forcing criminals into a classroom, shackling them to the ground, and making them learn at gunpoint (my idea, so they know they can't mess around and stay focused. Maybe having a laser dot on each student's head may be a even better incentive to not fuck around and take it seriously). I think if it was

Also, love your name. Early Alexisonfire kicked so much ass. Assuming your name references them and not some other band.

Tsk. Always an acoustic.

"We now go live to our Senior Pokemon Correspondent..."

Exactly. Since most comic readers are men, it makes more sense to cater to them first. Women loved Iron Man, they saw Thor with their BFs, fucking EVERYONE saw Nolan's Batman movies. I bet more women would rather watch a superhero movie featuring someone they'd want to fuck, than there are women who read comics. Of

Who made Catwoman?

Now that's what I'd want if I shelled out tons of cash on a next gen system. Or even last gen. Something that can run on a phone or tablet.

Everybody forgives you. You might get stoned in Brunei, but we civilized peeps know you tried.

At least one. Washington.

You're laughing, but deep down you know this is the type of special edition regularly showcased here on Kotaku. This could be reality, knowing Nintendo.

It originally auditioned for Call of Booty: Roland's Pool Party...

It's just that I've already owned the first model, then sold it a while back. I may notice the difference.

If the screen is so bad, how long before the OLEDs disappear completely? Surely they still them stocked?

The saying 'you can lead a horse to water' comes to mind.

Looks kinda meh. Unlike that other one that got bumped from last gen to current gen. Now that game whose name I forget was something. This just looks... Bargain-y.

"...and in other news tonight, police are baffled by what they are calling the 'Riverside Oomph Killer', as another body was found cleaved in two early this morning by joggers..."

Sometimes I can't tell where my tongue ends and my cheek begins.

"Can't get pregnant in the bum!"

Just how many meanings, please?

Faith is believing in something without any evidence. If you seek an ultimate purpose while living, use science. Or wait and see what happens when you die. Faith isn't necessary.