This is some frivolous, facile shit. Christ, no wonder no one takes us seriously anymore with the empty-headed pop-culture soaked observations and think pieces some of us produce.
This is some frivolous, facile shit. Christ, no wonder no one takes us seriously anymore with the empty-headed pop-culture soaked observations and think pieces some of us produce.
We really are led by the least of us.
Could you be more specific about the vote you’re referencing? Some of them have been attached to some pretty odious stuff.
That’s why we keep them in a room with us.
Yes, you just described the precice problem with the contemporary left: pro-big business, anti-worker, etc. My point is that this may (hopefully) signal an actual shift on the left AWAY from that mealy-mouthed brand of liberalism and into the realm of pro-union & labor leftism which will completely decimate the…
See, the right knows that if we are led by pro-labor hard-lefters we’ll be able to siphon away their base. They’re on the offensive, so we should be too.
Oh god, where to start? She voted in favor of keep travel restrictions on Cuba, voted for NCLB, is pro-Israeli military intervention, is as close to the wall st banking community as the rest of the Obama administrtion.
Yes, yes, for Hillary cannot fail...we can only fail her.
I’m sorry, do you see anyone criticizing Pelosi in favor of Tim Ryan? No?
Oh my god, get fucked. There’s more at risk here than another rich old white lady not having a fancy job anymore (that she’s already held for YEARS).
Or maybe this entire show that fetishizes achievement, meritocracy, and capitalist consumption is horseshit no matter which way you look at it?
For years before the allegations I had the suspicion that he was one of those domineering Nice Guy™ monsters. Just a vibe I got from his scenes.
The hosts are the first humans. The humans on the show are like the neanderthals that Ford mentioned—eaten by the “newcomers.”
It’s fine.
Yeah, this is my new favorite line. Bernie was too much of a POC to win the election.
Newsflash: no one cares/pays attention to policy that necessitates the use of a drafting table and a fucking T-square to figure out.
Even if the Hispanic voting numbers are off, it doesn’t change the end result. A large portion of the electorate decided that the Democratic Party and its candidate were not for them. Trump offered anti-establishmentarian “change” (which you and I both agree is totally bogus and odious). We offered nothing. Hashtags.…
Obama’s platform? Bernie’s education plan? What the fuck are you on about?
Yeah, this is what blows my mind. Obama literally did this twice, and it worked. He got all classes behind him. And yet these DNC liberal goons are appopleptic at the thought of repeating that success.
Yes, them. And like I said, the middle class, too (who overwhelmingly did not vote for Clinton).