Rutherford B. Hayes, caretaker president

We HAVE to fight each other. The status quo did not work. Why?

Who is talking about white men? I’m talking about the poor and middle class. What populations do you think make up those categories?

I for one believe we should keep the professional, meritocratic class in control of the party!

We saw the OPPOSITE happen, which was: everybody shut up except for groups XY and Z.

Yo: maybe socialist economic policies and class-centricm might help with those concerns? Just a thought.

Where does the left go from here? We embrace class politics once again—just like the left did during the New Deal era. We need a new leader (Sanders, Warren) and a renewed dedication to socialist economic policies and UNIONS. 

I’m still loving this fucking Eichnewald piece.

Eichenwald is a petulant, narcissistic piece of shit.

So you’re just an average myopic neoliberal. Got it.

Yo, Hillary Clinton is not your fucking friend.

Yes, I’m aware of the DNC propping up their candidate... and honestly, I don’t have a huge problem with it. 

The electorate didn’t vote for the alt-right or the KKK...they voted against neoliberalism. Policy was never the point. Change was.

Did you read any of those Podesta emails? The ones that unequivocally show that the DNC was colluding with the Clinton campaign and undermining Bernie? And also that the Clinton campaign was coordinating with super PACs?

This is a really good sign, guys!

Her history of behavior? The last time she wanted a “no-fly zone,” Libya was destroyed.

I didn’t create these tangled conditions.

We participate in a system that already doesn’t make sense. It’s no less absurd than the futility of the electoral college system. How many of us will cast a vote on the 8th and have it not count in any meaningful way?

Do you feel used? We are not the ones who put you in this position—your preferred candidate is.

Why are you and others like you so interested in others’ consciences? The constant questioning and condescension is invasive and, frankly, rather creepy. As though we all need to shut up and step in line.

I am not interested in your projections.