Don’t patronize and criticize if you don’t want a defensive response.
Don’t patronize and criticize if you don’t want a defensive response.
I live in a safe Clinton state and I will vote however I want.
...what do you think this entire debate is about? Whether or not it’s ok to protest construction workers? Get a grip.
Lol you think upholding the basic civil rights of protesters is “taking a position” on the issue of the pipeline.
That’s nice. What does this have to do with Clinton on October 28th, 2016?
OK? Nobody is *forcing* Clinton’s staff to say something/nothing about this issue. She is her own person.
Hope everyone is ready for 4 years of this mind-numbing Clintonian fatuousness.
Weird Al isn’t going for “empowerment” and he’s not making a white-people version of a black song. He’s just parodying it with an absurd concept. His work is void of politics.
Yeah of course they can, just don’t go “i’m going to make a WHITE version of this!”
In fact I think she’s acutely aware of this, which is why this video is celebrating poor white rural women (coughcough actually it’s making fun of them) instead.
I thought Formation was about BLACK women, and not so much about women in general.
Uh, easily? Have you tried arithmetic?
Not much “choice” in the matter when they’re the only options out there. Just because there is a small divot in the economy where ethical companies are able to congregate doesn’t mean the bulk of our consumption options have been consecrated by us, the consumer.
Lol you think consumers choose the companies that pay poverty wages to third world laborers? You think the consumer sees the savings? They don’t. The C-Suite and middle-men VP shitheels hoover up most of the profit.
We like Ken Bone.
You’ll vote for a center-right democratic candidate instead of a left-leaning candidate over fucking vocabulary?
Perhaps we should blame the conditions that created an environment of such violent resentment?
Ostentatious flaunting of wealth begets serious resentment among any population with horrible wealth inequality.
Fill them with more feet.