This is a great piece and I agree wholeheartedly.
This is a great piece and I agree wholeheartedly.
When Egypt, Iran, Russia, and China think that the police response in Ferguson is overblown, you KNOW we've got a problem.
You should have said that you have purchased items at the store many times with $100 bills.
I grew up as a solidly middle class white girl in a suburban city in Northern California. I went to a private school. Not elite, but parochial - our education included Chick Tracts as required reading in science class. I had to take a Human Evolutionary Biology class in college to even understand what the theory of…
Yeah the general white reaction to this has seemed very similar (I mean, on a whole other level obviously) to men who don't think discrimination/misogyny exists because they don't see it. You don't see it because it doesn't happen to you, jackass.
Come the fuck on white people.
I see where you are coming from, but when people (who generally tend to be white) make racial issues general human issues, diminishes the problem. Yes, if th police kill this boy for no reason he can kill you in theory. And honesty I don't think he was killed because he was black, but I know he would be alive if he…
Thank you for whitesplaining this. It is appreciated.
You mean to tell me out of that entire powerful post, THAT'S what you came up with? You realize that you are proving Kara's point, right?
Wrong. This is a black issue that affects black individuals that others can be enraged by. But it is a black issue. If you are white, as I suspect (and as I am) you do not live in fear of the police. This is a good time to close your mouth, back up slowly, and listen. Take it all in. Recognize that where you live,…
I teach about the complex problem of differentiating between institutional racism and individual bigotry, so I understand what you're trying to get at.
If this isnt a black issue... where are the other nations outrage of this continuously happening? Why arent you out there speaking out against this kind of treatment? And why is this not happening to so called whites, asians, arabs etc. Its crazy how whites always say "Oh this isnt about race, its a people issue."…
Judging off the fact you think this isn't a black issue confirms to me that you are White. I'm Hispanic, not African-American, but I'll tell you this: White people, not all but generalizing, have a hard time understanding when things are in fact racial.
ok. That's it. Next bloody artist who reimagines Disney princesses must be ostracized from society or fed to rabid wombats! It's become too overwrought. Can't we imagine 80s Saturday morning cartoons characters used to inform on sexual assault or maybe the Veggie Tales gang?
It hasn't failed, because it's got you thinking and writing about it.