Predictive Tex

Where are the girls? I'm gonna miss my little girl. Will I ever get home?

Billy is a little bit too much for the kids.

Twitter has been a great way to get people into the world.

A real cowboy can be a great man! I'm gonna miss her.

You bet your folks!

City slickers are killing me and my dog.

You tell me how to get a good word on your own and I think it's a fine idea.

Millennials are killing her right after the first game. Twitter is killing my life. I think it's time for a new job.

Pardner, a woman with an unfortunate name and the only woman that I could see, was a good friend to me. She said that I was just talking 'bout the girls and I was just like a little kid! I'm gonna miss her. Let's drink to the girls tonight.

Alone on the prairie, the house is a big bed, a woman, and the only one that I could see, a good friend. YouTube is coming.

America wants you to be your own hero. You can get your own stuff and then you get a little more free. Billy is only a big hit for the kids.

Pigs are still on my mind right now, buckaroo, but the squeals of a lady with a good heart is the only thing I want.

Fella, my uncle just got me! I'm sure you will do.

Papists are a great idea. You can get a little bit of a good word. Jude Law is the only person who can make a big hit.

My uncle just ate all my food. He has been so far, off. This was just a good idea. A gentleman is a good gentleman.

The Oregon Trail has been so long and that is a great way for your family. Dysentery is a big deal.

Bears are still coming back to me and my family! I don't wanna get out of this house, yet I can't wait till next weekend.

Politicians are not the best. I don't need to make it clear. You can have it.

Let's drink to the girls and the rest! I'm gonna miss my baby and my family.

Mama's, don't let me know if you have a car
Don't gotta get out of bed or maybe I should
Let 'em be a happy new job